If a function y=f(x) is too complicated for calculation or is even unknown, one way to approximate it is to first obtain its values y0=f(x0),...,xn=f(xn) at a sequence of points x0,...,xn, and then construct a relatively simple approximating function g(x)≈f(x).
If g(x) satisfies that g(xi)=f(xi) for all i=0,...,n, it is called the interpolating function of f(x). The most commonly used interpolating functions are algebraic polynomials.
Interpolation and the Lagrange Polynomial
Find a polynomial of degree n, Pn(x)=a0+a1x+...+anxn, such that Pn(xi)=yi for all i=0,...,n.
n=1: Given x0,x1;y0,y1. Find P1(x)=a0+a1x such that P1(x0)=y0 and P1(x1)=y1. P1(x) is the line function through the two given points (x0,y0) and (x1,y1). ⇒P1(x)=y0+x1−x0y1−y0(x−x0)=(x0−x1x−x1)y0+(x1−x0x−x0)y1=i=0∑1L1,i(x)yi
n≥1: Find Ln,i(x) for i=0,...,n such that Ln,i(xj)=δij. Then let Pn(x)=i=0∑nLn,i(x)yi. Hence Pn(xi)=yi.
Each Ln,i has n roots x0,...,xn.
The n-th Lagrange interpolating polynomial: Ln,i(x)=j=i,0≤j≤n∏(xi−xj)(x−xj)⇒Pn(x)=i=0∑nLn,i(x)yi
Theorem: If x0,...,xn are n+1 distinct numbers and f is a function whose values are given at these numbers, then the n-th Lagrange interpolating polynomial is unique.
Proof: If not… Then there exists two polynomials Pn(x) and Qn(x) both satisfying the interpolating conditions. ⇒D(x)=Pn(x)−Qn(x) is a polynomial of degree ≤n
Yet D(x) has n+1 distinct roots x0,x1,...,xn.
Note: The interpolating polynomial is NOT unique unless its degree is constrained to be no greater than n. A counterexample is P(x)=Ln(x)+p(x)i=0∏n(x−xi) where p(x) can be a polynomial of any degree.
Analyze the Remainder
Suppose a≤x0<x1<...<xn≤b and f∈Cn+1[a,b]. Consider the truncation error Rn(x)=f(x)−Pn(x)
Rn(x) has at least n+1 roots⇒Rn(x)=K(x)i=0∏n(x−xi)
Fix any x=xi for all i=0,...,n. Define the function g for t in [a,b] by g(t)=Rn(t)−K(x)i=0∏n(t−xi) g(x) has n+2 distinct roots x0,...,xn,x⇒g(n+1)(ξx)=0,ξx∈(a,b) f(n+1)(ξx)−Pn(n+1)(ξx)−K(x)(n+1)!=Rn(n+1)(ξx)−K(x)(n+1)! ⇒K(x)=(n+1)!f(n+1)(ξx)⇒Rn(x)=(n+1)!f(n+1)(ξx)i=0∏n(x−xi)
Since in most of the case ξx cannot be determined, we obtain the upper bound of f(n+1) instead. That is, estimate an Mn+1 such that ∣f(n+1)∣≤Mn+1 for all x∈(a,b) and take (n+1)!Mn+1i=0∏n∣x−xi∣ as the upper bound of the total error.
The interpolating polynomial is accurate for any polynomial function f with degree ≤n since f(n+1)(x)≡0
Example: Suppose a table is to be prepared for the function f(x)=ex for x∈[0,1]. Assume that each entry of the table is accurate up to 8 decimal places and the step size is h. What should h be for linear interpolation to given an absolute error of at most 10−6?
Solution: Suppose that [0,1] is partitioned into n equal-spaced subintervals [x0,x1],[x1,x2],...,[xn−1,xn], and x is in the interval [xk,xk+1]. Then the error estimation gives ∣f(x)−P1(x)∣=∣∣2!f(2)(ξ)(x−xk)(x−xk+1)∣∣=∣∣2eξ(x−kh)(x−(k+1)h)∣∣≤2e×4h2 8eh2≤10−6⇒h≤1.72×10−3
Simply take n=1000 and h=0.001.
Example: Given sin6π=21,sin4π=21,sin3π=23. Use the linear and the quadratic Lagrange polynomial of sinx to compute sin50∘ and then estimate the errors.
\textbf{Solution:} First use x0,x1 and x1,x2 to compute the linear interpolations. Use x0=6π,x1=4π⇒P1(x)=π/6−π/4x−π/4×21+π/4−π/6x−π/6×21 sin50∘≈P1(185π)≈0.77614Here f(x)=sinx,f(2)(ξx)=−sinξx,ξx∈(6π,3π) and 21<sinξx<23,R1(x)=2!f(2)(ξx)(x−6π)(x−4π) ⇒−0.01319<R1(185π)<−0.00762 Error of extrapolation≈−0.01001;Error of interpolation≈0.00596 Now use x0,x1 and x2 to compute the quadratic interpolation. P2(x)=(π/6−π/4)(π/6−π/3)(x−π/4)(x−π/3)×21+(π/4−π/6)(π/4−π/3)(x−π/6)(x−π/3)×21+(π/3−π/6)(π/3−π/4)(x−π/6)(x−π/4)×23 R2(x)=3!−cosξx(x−6π)(x−4π)(x−3π);21<cosξx<23 Error of the quadratic interpolation≈0.00061
Definition: Let f be a function defined at x0,x1,...,xn, and suppose that m1,...,mk are k distinct integers with 0≤mi≤n for each i. The Lagrange polynomial that agrees with f(x) at the k points xm1,...,xmk denotes by Pm1,...,mk(x).
Theorem: Let f be defined at x0,..,xk, and let xi and xj be two distinct numbers in this set. Then P(x)=(xi−xj)(x−xj)P0,1,...,j−1,j+1,...,k(x)−(x−xi)P0,1,...,i−1,i+1,...,k(x)
describes the k-th Lagrange polynomial that interpolates f at the k+1 points x0,x1,...,xk.
Proof: For any 0≤r≤k and r=i and j, the two interpolating polynomials on the numerator are equal to f(xr) at xr, so P(xr)=f(xr). The first polynomials on the numerator equals f(xi) at xi, while the second term is zero, so P(xi)=f(xi). Similarly P(xj)=f(xj). The k-th Lagrange polynomial that interpolates f at the k+1 points x0,x1,...,xk is unique.
Divided Differences
The 1st divided difference of f w.r.t. xi and xj: f[xi,xj]=xi−xjf(xi)−f(xj)(i=j,xi=xj)
The 2nd divided difference of f w.r.t. xi,xj and xk. f[xi,xj,xk]=xi−xkf[xi,xj]−f[xj,xk](i=k)
The k+1st divided difference of f w.r.t.x0,...,xk+1: f[x0,...,xk+1]=x0−xk+1f[x0,x1,...,xk]−f[x1,...,xk,xk+1]=xk−xk+1f[x0,...,xk−1,xk]−f[x0,...,xk−1,xk+1]
As a matter of fact, f[x0,...,xk]=i=0∑kωk+1′(xi)f(xi)
where ωk+1(x)=i=0∏k(x−xi),ωk+1′(xi)=0≤j≤k,j=i∏(xi−xj)
The value of f[x0,...,xk] is independent of the order of the numbers x0,...,xk.
Let x=x0+th, then Nn(x)=Nn(x0+th)=k=0∑nCtkΔkf(x0) Rn(x)=(n+1)!f(n+1)(ξ)t(t−1)...(t−n)hn+1,ξ∈(x0,xn)
Newton’s backward-difference formula
Reverse the order of the points Nn(x)=f(xn)+f[xn,xn−1](x−xn)+...+f[xn,...,x0](x−xn)...(x−x1)
Let x=xn+th, then Nn(x)=Nn(xn+th)=k=0∑n(−1)kC−tk∇kf(xn)
Hermite Interpolation
Find the osculating polynomial P(x) such that P(xi)=f(xi),P′(xi)=f′(xi),...,P(m−i)(xi)=f(m−i)(xi) for all i=0,1,...,n.
Given N conditions (and hence N equations), a polynomial of degree N−1 can be determined.
The osculating polynomial that agrees with f and all its derivatives of order ≤m0 at one point x0 is just the Taylor polynomial P(x)=f(x0)+f′(x0)(x−x0)+...+m0!f(m0)(x−x0)x0
with remainder Rn(x)=f(x)−φ(x)=(m0+1)!f(m0+1)(ξ)(x−x0)m0+1
The case when mi=1 for each i=0,1,...,n gives the Hermite polynomials.
Example: Suppose x0=x1=x2. Given f(x0),f(x1),f(x2) and f′(x1), find the polynomial P(x) such that P(xi)=f(xi),i=0,1,2, and P′(x1)=f′(x1). Analyze the errors.
Solution: First of all, the degree of P(x) must be 3. Similar to Lagrange polynomials, we may assume the form of Hermite polynomial as: P3(x)=i=0∑2f(xi)hi(x)+f′(x1)h1^(x)
where hi(xj)=δij,hi′(x1)=0,h1^(xi)=0,h1′^(x1)=1
h0(x): Has roots x1,x2, and h0′(x1)=0⇒x1 is a multiple root. {h0(x)=C0(x−x1)2(x−x2)h0(x0)=1⇒C0⇒h0(x)=(x0−x1)2(x0−x2)(x−x1)2(x−x2)
h2(x): Similar to h0(x).
h1(x): Has roots x0,x2⇒h1(x)=(Ax+B)(x−x0)(x−x2). A and B can be solved with h1(x1)=1 and h1′(x1)=0.
h1^(x): Has roots x0,x1,x2⇒h1^(x)=C1(x−x0)(x−x1)(x−x2). h1′^(x1)=1⇒C1 can be solved.
In general, given x0,...,xn;y0,...,yn and y0′,...,yn′. The Hermite polynomial H2n+1(x) satisfies H2n+1(xi)=yi and H2n+1′(xi)=yi′ for all i.
Solution: Let H2n+1(x)=i=0∑nyihi(x)+i=0∑nyi′hi^(x) where hi(xj)=δij,hi′(xj)=0,hi^(xj)=0,hi′^(xj)=δij.
hi(x): x0,...,xi^,...,xn are all roots with multiplicity 2 ⇒hi(x)=(Aix+Bi)Ln,i2(x) Ai and Bi can be solved by hi(xj)=1 and hi′(xi)=0 ⇒hi(x)=[1−2Ln,i′(xi)(x−xi)]Ln,i2(x)
hi^(x): All the roots x0,...,xn have multiplicity 2 except xi⇒ {hi^(x)=Ci(x−xi)Ln,i2(x)hi′^(x)=1⇒Ci=1⇒hi^(x)=(x−xi)Ln,i2(x)
If a=x0<x1<...<xn=b,f∈C2n[a,b], then Rn(x)=(2n+2)!f(2n+2)(ξX)[i=0∏n(x−xi)]2
Cubic Spline Interpolation
Piecewise linear interpolation
Approximate f(x) by linear polynomials on each subinterval [xi,xi+1]: f(x)≈P1(x)=xi−xi+1x−xi+1yi+xi+1−xix−xiyi+1 for x∈[xi,xi+1]
Let h=max∣xi+1−xi∣. Then P1h(x)→f(x) as h→0.
Hermite piecewise polynomials
Given x0,..,xn;y0,...,yn;y0′,...,yn′ Construct the Hermite polynomial of degree 3 with y and y′ on the two endpoints of [xi,xi+1].
Cubic Spline
Definition: Given a function f defined on [a,b] and a set of nodes a=x0<x1<...<xn=b, a cubic spline interpolant S for f is a function that satisfies the following conditions:
a. S(x) is a cubic polynomial, denoted Si(x), on the subinterval [xi,xi+1] for each i=0,1,...,n−1;
b. S(xi)=f(xi) for each i=0,1,..,n;
c. Si+1(xi+1)=Si(xi+1) for each i=0,1,...,n−2;
d. Si+1′(xi+1)=Si′(xi+1) for each i=0,1,...,n−2;
e. Si+1′′(xi+1)=Si′′(xi+1) for each i=0,1,...,n−2.
Method of Bending Moment
Let hj=xj−xj−1 and S(x)=Sj(x) for x∈[xj−1,xj]. Then Sj′′(x) is a polynomial of degree 1, which can be determined by the values of f on 2 nodes.
Assume Sj′′(xj−1)=Mj−1,Sj′′(xj)=Mj. Then for all x∈[xj−1,xj], Sj′′(x)=Mj−1hjxj−x+Mjhjx−xj−1
Integrate Sj′′(x) twice, we obtain Sj′(x) and Sj(x): Sj′(x)=−Mj−12hj(xj−x)2+Mj−12hj(x−xj−1)2+Aj Sj(x)=Mj−16hj(xj−x)3+Mj6hj(x−xj−1)3+Ajx+Bj Aj=hjyj−yj−1−hMj−Mj−1hj Ajx+Bj=(yj−1−6Mj−1hj2)hjxj−x+(yj−6Mjhj2)hjx−xj−1
Now solve for Mj: Since S′ is continuous at xj [xj−1,xj]:Sj′(x)=−Mj−12hj(xj−x)2+Mj2hj(x−xj−1)2+f[xj−1,xj]−6Mj−Mj−1hj [xj,xj+1]:Sj+1′(x)=−Mj2hj+1(xj+1−x)2+Mj+12hj+1(x−xj)2+f[xj,xj+1]−6Mj+1−Mjhj+1
From Sj′(xj)=Sj+1′(xj), we can combine the coefficients for Mj−1,Mj, and Mj+1. Define λj=hj+hj+1hj+1,μj=1−λj, and gj=hj+hj+16(f[xj,xj+1]−f[xj−1,xj]) ⇒μjMj−1+2Mj+λjMj+1=gjfor 1≤j≤n−1
That is, we have n+1 unknowns but only n−1 equations. Extra 2 boundary conditions are needed.
Similar for Sn′(x) on [xn−1,b]: ⇒{2M0+M1=h16(f[x0,x1]−y0′)=g0Mn−1+2Mn=hn6(yn′−f[xn−1,xn])=gn
Then λ0=0,g0=2y0′′;μn=0,gn=2yn′′
The case when M0=Mn=0 is called a free boundary, and when that occurs, the spline is called a Natural Spline.
Periodic Boundary: If f is a periodic function, that is, yn=y0 and S′(a+)=S′(b−)⇒M0=Mn
Cubic Spline can be uniquely determined by its boundary conditions as long as the coefficient matrix is strictly diagonally dominant.
If f∈C[a,b] and minhimaxhi≤C<∞. Then S(x)→f(x) as maxhi→0. That is, the accuracy of approximation can be improved by adding more nodes without increasing the degree of the splines.
Welcome file Numerical Differentiation Given x 0 x_0 x 0 , approximate f ′ ( x 0 ) f'(x_0) f ′ ( x 0 ) . f ′ ( x 0 ) = lim h → 0 f ( x 0 + h ) − f ( x 0 ) h f'(x_0)=\lim\limits_{h\to 0}\frac{f(x_0+h)-f(x_0)}{h} f ′ ( x 0 ) = h → 0 lim h f ( x 0 + h ) − f ( x 0 ) ⇒ f ′ ( x 0 ) ≈ f ( x 0 + h ) − f ( x 0 ) h ( forward ) \Rightarrow f'(x_0)\approx \frac{f(x_0+h)-f(x_0)}{h}(\text{forward}) ⇒ f ′ ( x 0 ) ≈ h f ( x 0 + h ) − f ( x 0 ) ( forward ) ⇒ f ′ ( x 0 ) ≈ f ( x 0 ) − f ( x 0 − h ) h ( backward ) \Rightarrow f'(x_0)\approx \frac{f(x_0)-f(x_0-h)}{h}(\text{backward}) ⇒ f ′ ( x 0 ) ≈ h f ( x 0 ) − f ( x 0 − h ) ( backward ) Approximate f ( x ) f(x) f ( x ) by its Lagrange polynomial with interpolating points x 0 x_0 x 0 and x 0 + h x_0+h x 0 + h : f ( x ) = f ( x 0 ) ( x − x 0 − h ) x 0 − x 0 − h + f ( x 0 + h ) ( x − x 0 ) x 0 + h − x 0 + ( x − x 0 ) ( x − x 0 − h ) 2 f ′ ′ ( ξ x ) \begin{aligned} f(x)...