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Numberical Analysis --- Numerical Differentiation and Integration
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Numerical Differentiation
Given x0, approximate f′(x0). f′(x0)=h→0limhf(x0+h)−f(x0) ⇒f′(x0)≈hf(x0+h)−f(x0)(forward) ⇒f′(x0)≈hf(x0)−f(x0−h)(backward)
Approximate f(x) by its Lagrange polynomial with interpolating points x0 and x0+h: f(x)=x0−x0−hf(x0)(x−x0−h)+x0+h−x0f(x0+h)(x−x0)+2(x−x0)(x−x0−h)f′′(ξx)
Approximate f(x) by its Lagrange polynomial with interpolating points {x0,x1,...,xn}. f(x)=k=0∑nf(xk)Lk(x)+(n+1)!(x−x0)...(x−xn)f(n+1)(ξx) f′(xj)=k=0∑nf(xk)Lk′(xj)+(n+1)!f(n+1)(ξj)0≤k≤n,k=j∏(xj−xk)
In general, more evaluation points produce greater accuracy.
On the other hand, the number of functional evaluations grows and the roudoff error increases. Hence the numerical differentiation is unstable!
Example: Given three points x0,x0+h and x0+2h, please derive the three-point formulae for each of the points. Then give the best three-point formulae for f′(x). f′(x0)=h1[−23f(x0)+2f(x0+h)−21f(x0+2h)]+3h2f(3)(ξ0) f′(x0+h)=h1[−21f(x0)+21f(x0+2h)]−6h2f(3)(ξ1) f′(x0)=2h1[f(x0+h)−f(x0−h)]−6h2f(3)(ξ1)
Example: Find a way to approximate f′′(x0).
Consider Taylor expansion of f(x0+h) and f(x0−h) at x0: f(x0+h)=f(x0)+f′(x0)h+21f′′(x0)h2+61f′′′(x0)h3+241f(4)(ξ1)h4 f(x0−h)=f(x0)−f′(x0)h+21f′′(x0)h2−61f′′′(x0)h3+241f(4)(ξ−1)h4
Integrate the Lagrange interpolating polynomial of f(x) instead.
Select a set of distinct nodes a≤x0<x1<...<xn≤b from [a,b]. The Lagrange polynomial is Pn(x)=k=0∑nf(xk)Lk(x) ∫abf(x)dx≈k=0∑nf(xk)∫abLk(x)dx Ak=∫abLk(x)dx=∫abj=k∏(xk−xj)(x−xj)dx ErrorR[f]=∫abf(x)dx−k=0∑nAkf(xk)=∫ab[f(x)−Pn(x)]dx=∫abRn(x)dx=∫ab(n+1)!f(n+1)(ξx)k=0∏n(x−xk)dx
Definition: The degree of accuracy, or precision, of a quadrature formulae is the largest positive integer n such that the formulae is exact for xk for each k=0,1,...,n.
Example: Consider the linear interpolation on [a,b], we have P1(x)=a−bx−bf(a)+b−ax−af(b) ⇒A1=A2=2b−a⇒∫abf(x)dx≈2b−a[f(a)+f(b)]
Solution: Consider xk for each k=0,1,... x0=1:∫ab1dx=b−a=2b−a[1+1] x:∫abxdx=2b2−a2=2b−a[a+b] x2:∫abx2dx=3b3−a3=2b−a[a2+b2]
For equally spaced nodes: xi=a+ih,h=nb−a,i=0,1,...,n Ai=∫x0xnj=i∏(xi−xj)(x−xj)dx=∫0ni=j∏(i−j)h(t−j)h×hdt=ni!(n−i)!(b−a)(−1)n−1∫0ni=j∏(t−j)dt
Note: Cotes coefficients does not depend on either f(x) or [a,b], and can be determined by n and i only. Hence we can find these coefficients from a table. The formulae are called Newton-Cotes formulae.
Theorem: For the (n+1)-point closed Newton-Cotes formulae, there exists ξ∈(a,b) for which ∫abf(x)dx=k=0∑nAkf(xk)+(n+2)!hn+3f(n+2)(ξ)∫0nt2(t−1)...(t−n)dt
if n is even and f∈Cn+2[a,b], and ∫abf(x)dx=k=0∑nAkf(xk)+(n+1)!hn+2f(n+1)(ξ)∫0nt(t−1)...(t−n)dt
if n is odd and f∈Cn+1[a,b]
Composite Numerical Integration
Due to the osillatory nature of high-degree polynomials, piecewise interpolation is applied to approximate f(x)⇒ a piecewise approach that uses the low-order Newton-Cotes formulae.
Apply Trapezoidal Rule on each [xk−1,xk]: ∫xk−1xkf(x)dx≈2xk−xk−1[f(xk−1)+f(xk)],k=1,...,n ∫abf(x)dx≈k=1∑n2h[f(xk−1)+f(xk)]=2h[f(a)+2k=1∑n−1f(xk)+f(b)]=Tn R[f]=k=1∑n[−12h3f′′(ξx)]=−12h2(b−a)nk=1∑nf′′(ξx)=−12h2(b−a)f′′(ξ),ξ∈(a,b)
Note: To simplify the notation, we may let n′=2n. Then h′=n′b−a=2h,xk=a+kh′ and Sn=3h′[f(a)+4odd k∑f(xk)+2even k∑f(xk)+f(b)]
Composite integration techniques are all stable.
Example: Consider the Simpson’s Rule with n subintervals on [a,b]. Assume that f(xi) is approximated by f∗(xi) such that f(xi)=f∗(xi)+ϵi for each i=0,1,...,n. Then the accumulated error e(h) is e(h)=∣∣3h[ϵ0+4odd k∑ϵk+2even k∑ϵk+ϵn]∣∣
If ∣ϵi∣<ϵ for all i=0,1,...,n, then e(h)<3h[ϵ+4(n/2)ϵ+2(n/2−1)ϵ+ϵ]=nhϵ=(b−a)ϵ
When we refine the partition to ensure accuracy, the increased computation will NOT increase the roundoff error.
Example: Use Trapezoidal rule and Simpson’s rule with n=8 to approximate π=∫011+x24dx.
Solution: Set xk=8k T8=161[f(0)+2k=1∑7f(xk)+f(1)]=3.138988494 S4=241[f(0)+4odd∑f(xk)+2even∑f(xk)+f(1)]=3.141592502
When programming we usually keep dividing the subintervals into 2 equally spaced smaller subintervals. That is, take n=2k for k=0,1,.... When k=9,T512=3.14159202 34T8−31T4=3.141592502=S4
Romberg Integration
Since the error of Trapezoidal rule is Rn[f]=−12h2(b−a)f′′(ξ), when we reduce the length of each subinterval into a half, R2n[f]=−(2h)2121f′′(ξ′)≈41Rn[f] ⇒I−TnI−T2n≈41
Solve for I: I≈4−14T2n−Tn=34T2n−31Tn=Sn
In general: 4−14T2n−Tn=Sn42−142S2n−Sn=Cn43−143C2n−Cn=Rn
Richardson’s Extrapolation
Generate high-accuracy results while using lower-order formulae. Suppose that for some h=0, we have a formula T0(x) that approximates an unknown I, and that the truncation error has the form: T0(h)−I=α1h+α2h2+...
Replace h by half its value, we have T0(2h)−I=α1(h/2)+α2(h/2)2+...
How to improve the accuracy from O(h) to O(h2)? 2−12T0(2h)−T0(h)−I=−21α2h2−43α3h3−...
Predict the amount of functional variation and adapt the step size to the varying requirements.
Example: Consider the adaptive method based on Composite Simpson’s rule. ∫abf(x)dx=S(a,b)−90h5f(4)(ξ)
where S(a,b)=3h[f(a)+4f(a+h)+f(b)],h=2b−a
Let S(a,2a+b)=6h[f(a)+4f(a+2h)+f(a+h)] S(2a+b,b)=6h[f(a+h)+4f(a+23h)+f(b)]
Then ∫abf(x)dx=S(a,2a+b)+S(2a+b,b)−161×90h5f(4)(η) ∣∣∫abf(x)dx−S(a,2a+b)−S(2a+b,b)∣∣≈151∣∣S(a,b)−S(a,2a+b)−S(2a+b,b)∣∣<ϵ
Gaussian Quadrature
Construct a formula ∫abw(x)f(x)dx≈k=0∑nAkf(xk) of precision degree 2n+1 with n+1 points.
Determine 2n+2 unknowns x0,...,xn and A0,..,An such that the formula is accurate for f(x)=1,x,x2,...,x2n+1. The points x0,...,xn are called Gaussian points, and the method is called Gaussian quadrature.
Example: Approximate ∫01xf(x)dx using Gaussian quadrature with n=1.
Solution: Assume ∫01xf(x)dx=A0f(x0)+A1f(x1)
The formula must be accurate for f(x)=1,x,x2,x3 ⎩⎨⎧32=A0+A152=A0x0+A1x172=A0x02+A1x1292=A0x03+A1x13⇒⎩⎨⎧x0≈0.8212x1≈0.2899A0≈0.3891A1≈0.2776
Theorem:x0,...,xn are Gaussian points iff W(x)=k=0∏n(x−xk) is orthogonal to all the polynomials of degree no greater than n.
If x0,...,xn are Gaussian points, then the degree of precision of the formula ∫abw(x)f(x)dx≈k=0∑nAkf(xk) is at least 2n+1. Then for any polynomial Pm(x) with m≤n, the degree of Pm(x)W(x) must be no greater than 2n+1. Hence the formula is accurate for Pm(x)W(x). That is ∫abw(x)Pm(x)W(x)dx=k=0∑nAkPm(xk)W(xk)=0
To prove that x0,...,xn are Gaussian points, we just have to prove that the formula is accurate for any polynomial Pm(x) with m≤2n+1. Let Pm(x)=W(x)q(x)+r(x). Then ∫abw(x)Pm(x)dx=∫abw(x)W(x)q(x)dx+∫abw(x)r(x)dx=k=0∑nAkr(xk)=k=0∑nAkPm(xk)
The set of orthogonal polynomials {φ0,φ1,...,φn,...} is linearly independent and φn+1 is orthogonal to any polynomial Pm(x) with m≤n.⇒ If we take φn+1 to be W(x), then the roots of φn+1 are the Gaussian points.
Example: Approximate ∫01xf(x)dx using Gaussian quadrature with n=1.
Step 1:
Construct the orthogonal polynomial φ2. Let φ0(x)=1,φ1(x)=x+a,φ2(x)=x2+bx+c (φ0,φ1)=0⇒∫01x(x+a)dx=0⇒a=−53 (φ0,φ2)=0⇒∫01x(x2+bx+c)dx=0 (φ1,φ2)=0⇒∫01x(x−53)(x2+bx+c)dx=0 ⇒{b=−910c=215⇒φ2(x)=x2−910x+215
Step 2:
Find the two roots of φ2 which are the Gaussian points x0 and x1: x0;1=210/9±(10/9)2−20/21
Step 3:
Since the formula must be accurate for f(x)=1,x, we can easily solve a linear system of equations for A0 and A1. The results are the same as we have obtained: x0≈0.8212,x1≈0.2899,A0≈0.3891,A1≈0.2776
Use this formula to approximate ∫01xexdx≈1.2555
Some special families of orthogonal functions
1.Legendre Polynomials: Defined on [−1,1] with w(x)≡1. Pk(x)=2kk!1dxkdk(x2−1)k(Pk,Pl)={0k=l2k+12k=l
From P0=1 and P1=x we have (k+1)Pk+1=(2k+1)xPk−kPk−1
The formula that uses the roots of Pn+1 is called the Gauss-Legendre quadrature formula.
2.Chebyshev Polynomials:
Defined on [−1,1] with w(x)=1−x21
The roots of Tn+1 are xk=cos(2n+22k+1π) for k=0,...,n.
The formula ∫−111−x21f(x)dx=k=0∑nAkf(xk)
is called the Gauss-Chebyshev quadrature formula.
Welcome file If a function y = f ( x ) y=f(x) y = f ( x ) is too complicated for calculation or is even unknown, one way to approximate it is to first obtain its values y 0 = f ( x 0 ) , . . . , x n = f ( x n ) y_0=f(x_0),...,x_n=f(x_n) y 0 = f ( x 0 ) , ... , x n = f ( x n ) at a sequence of points x 0 , . . . , x n x_0,...,x_n x 0 , ... , x n , and then construct a relatively simple approximating function g ( x ) ≈ f ( x ) g(x)\approx f(x) g ( x ) ≈ f ( x ) . If g ( x ) g(x) g ( x ) satisfies that g ( x i ) = f ( x i ) g(x_i)=f(x_i) g ( x i ) = f ( x i ) for all i = 0 , . . . , n i=0,...,n i = 0 , ... , n , it is called the interpolating function of f ( x ) f(x) f ( x ) . The most commonly used interpolating functions are algebraic polynomials. Interpolation and the Lagrange Polynomial Find a polynomial of degree n n n , P n ( x ) = a 0 + a 1 x + . . . + a n x n P_n(x)=a_0+a_1x+...+a_nx^n P n ( x ) = a 0 + a 1 x + ... + a n x...